From TV Business to Aviation and On Into Neuroscience

A Story of Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Transformational Growth

Unforeseen Paths to Creativity

Growing up, I found myself amidst a sea of contradictions and lacked a clear sense of purpose. While I admired my father’s musical talent and engineering passion, his rigid approach constrained my way of thinking. However, my exposure to the world of television ignited a hidden curiosity, fueling my determination to overcome fear and feelings of inadequacy

Embracing Change: Mentors and Ventures

My journey of change commenced in my twenties, spurred on by mentors who saw beyond my self-imposed limitations. Their trust gradually expanded my beliefs with each new endeavor. Transitioning from a successful 25-year career as a TV Director, Producer, and Executive to embarking on adventures paddling wild rivers and oceans, I underwent significant evolution – assuming roles as a pilot, scholar, and speaker. Yet, despite these transformations, a lingering fear persisted: the apprehension of navigating the delicate balance between striving for success and embracing it comfortably

The Intersection of Science and Triumph

An emerging interest in neuroscience, shaped by my mother’s progressive beliefs, brought me into contact with elite athletes. Listening to their tales of triumph and resilience, I understood that while challenges are universal, they are not insurmountable. Guided by this newfound wisdom, I came to realize that overcoming my limitations was always within reach

Illumination Through Life's Tapestry

Now, equipped with a wealth of insight, I understand that the richness of my life wasn’t predetermined; rather, it was cultivated through every experience and interaction that encouraged me to envision beyond the confines of my childhood. The stories shared and the kindness encountered on this journey have paved the path to clarity, where once-improbable achievements have become integral to my identity

Steve Wood

MBA(E) GCertNeg

As Featured on NBC, FOX, CBS, USA Today and

+100 More Press Releases and Podcasts

“ TV has given me privileged access to people who have achieved extraordinary success. Throughout my career, it has been my obsession to discover why they succeed – and why others, perhaps with equal talent, hold back.”

Steve Wood

Career Milestone

Group 80

I’m a Master of Business Administration and hold a degree in International and Corporate Negotiations (MBA(E) GCertNeg)

Group 81

I’ve worked with Networks Nine and Ten as well as the Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games ( SOCOG)

Group 82

Private Pilot.